Basic Manners Training

We will help you and your dog live peacefully together as part of the same happy family. The first step in this process is taking the time to meet with you, and your canine companion in your home for a consultation. This gives us the chance to clearly understand your needs as well as any challenges you may face. We can then customize the best plan for you, your family and your dog to meet your needs as quickly and easily as possible.

Once training begins, here’s some of
what you can expect:
  • Teach you the basics of how dogs learn
  • Teach skills that are most important for your lifestyle and for the activities you share.
  • Teach or improve basic obedience skills.
  • Teach how to understand what your dog is trying to communicate with you (body language).
  • Teach  a more effective way to communicate with your dog.
  • Teach your dog how to make good choices on his own
  • Teach you how to get your dog to “listen” to you when you don’t have food.
  • Determine how to resolve problem behaviors your dog exhibits.

These sessions will usually take place in your home and then possibly at the places you and your dog like to visit.

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