
As a pet parent, do you ever wonder if you’re doing enough or do you ever find yourself comparing your parenting with what you see other pet parents doing with or for their pets? Are you consumed by guilt every time you have to leave...

The 2022 Holiday Gift Guide for Dog Lovers   ‘Tis the season, dog lovers!   Finding the perfect gift for your dog and dog-obsessed friends and family can be tricky. But it’s so worth it to see their huge smile when they unwrap that pawsome present!   If you’re on the...

Help Kids Understand Dog Communication   Teaching kids how to communicate with pets is VITAL for living peacefully together. Understanding animal-talk requires teaching. Dogs make all sorts of different sounds in different situations: growls, barks, whimpers, whines, howls, yelps and more. And their body language says a...

Boredom is the worst. When I’m bored, I find myself rummaging through the refrigerator eating anything I can find or mindlessly scrolling through social media. Yuck! It’s not just us humans who fall into bad habits though. Dogs do too.   One of the easiest ways to...

While face mask restrictions are being lifted in some parts of the world, this isn’t the case everywhere. And, since dogs depend pretty heavily on being able to read a person’s facial expressions, a masked person can leave them feeling confused, and possibly even scared. This may...